Specific difficulties
Specific difficulties The basis for diagnosis of developmental dyslexia can be the definition published in 1994 by the International Orton Dyslexia Society (USA)...
$db_connection = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=serwer179225_iqacademylux', 'serwer179225_iqacademylux', 'jPDZ8mveFwzL*ohasF');
$db_connection->exec("set names utf8");
catch(PDOException $e){
echo 'Połączenie nie mogło zostać utworzone.
Specific difficulties The basis for diagnosis of developmental dyslexia can be the definition published in 1994 by the International Orton Dyslexia Society (USA)...
is a group of congenital disorders in the area of motor skills, communication, language and perception. Diseases included in pervasive developmental disorders...
Activation and stimulation of motor, cognitive, emotional and social development of the child from the moment of disability diagnosis...
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