exec("set names utf8"); } catch(PDOException $e){ echo 'Połączenie nie mogło zostać utworzone.
'.$e->getMessage(); } ?>
Warning: Undefined array key "id_strona" in /home/platne/serwer179225/public_html/iqacademylux/en/therapy-methods.php on line 7
Therapy methods, principles of pedagogical therapy prepare('SELECT * FROM metody_terapi_en WHERE link_wpis = :id'); $statement->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_STR); $statement->execute(); $row = $statement->fetch() ?> <? echo $row['tytul']; ?>
prepare('SELECT * FROM metody_terapi_en WHERE link_wpis = :id'); $statement->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_STR); $statement->execute(); $row = $statement->fetch(); }catch(PDOException $e) { echo 'Wystapił blad biblioteki PDO: ' . $e->getMessage(); } ?>
Sensory integration IQ Academy - education, support, development - Iwona Pikora
Tomatis method IQ Academy - education, support, development - Iwona Pikora
Forbrain IQ Academy - education, support, development - Iwona Pikora
Child massage IQ Academy - education, support, development - Iwona Pikora
munich functional developmental diagnostics IQ Academy - education, support, development - Iwona Pikora
RSA IQ Academy - education, support, development - Iwona Pikora
prepare('SELECT * FROM metody_terapi_en, metody_terapi_wpis_en WHERE metody_terapi_en.id_wpisu=metody_terapi_wpis_en.id_wpisu and link_wpis = :id'); $statement->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_STR); $statement->execute(); $link="http://iqacademylux.eu/en/therapy-methods/".$id; while($row = $statement->fetch()) { if(!empty($row['zdjecie_wpis'])) { if($i%2==0){ ?>
<? echo stripslashes($row['zdjecie_opis']); ?>
closeCursor(); } else{ ?> prepare('SELECT * FROM metody_terapi_en WHERE id_wpisu =1'); $statement->execute(); $row = $statement->fetch(); }catch(PDOException $e) { echo 'Wystapił blad biblioteki PDO: ' . $e->getMessage(); } ?>

Therapy methods

Sensory integration

The method of sensory integration (abbreviation: SI) was established in the 70’s of 20th century in the USA. Its author is J. Ayres, a doctor of psychology, occupational therapist, a research fellow at the University in California, who showed a relationship between neurophysiological functions and learning and behavioural processes. For this purpose, she construed research tools (tests) and commenced a range of tests which proved posed working hypotheses. Thus, J. Ayres distinguished factors, measured with tests, which occur in children with neural system dysfunctions. The author called them disorders (deficits) of sensory integration and defined their interdependence with muscle tension, planning motion, eyeballs movement, behaviour, development of speech and cognitive functions. The method of sensory integration is, therefore, based on neurophysiology and supported with many years of tests conducted by J. Ayres and her continuators in the USA and countries in Western Europe...

Sensory integration IQ Academy - education, support, development - Iwona Pikora

Tomatis Method

Tomatis Method IQ Academy - education, support, development - Iwona Pikora

Alfred Tomatis (1920 - 2001) was a French scientist who dealt with anatomy and physiology of the auditory system. His tests led to the creation of the first electronic ear which enabled the auditory training based on the principle of modification of the hearing manner. Certain frequency bands are enhanced by sound filtering, learning to listen and control one’s own voice with the right ear as well as exercising muscles of the middle ear by application of appropriately selected tones. The Tomatis therapy consists in micro gymnastics of ear muscles - work of the muscles: stapedius muscle, hammer, external and internal ciliary cells, the human ear is responsible for delivery of 80% of all stimuli to the brain, by which is plays a key role in our life and functioning...


FORBRAIN earphones are designed by a start-up SOUND FOR LIFE Ltd. with seat in Hong Kong, specialising in design of new technological solutions for development of cognitive skills. What are cognitive skills? It is a set of mental abilities and processes of sensory-motoric integration which allow to process a given information, perform a task or conduct reasoning. Cognitive skills means efficient brain operation necessary for performance of all tasks, from the most simple ones to those more complex. They are related to the mechanisms of learning, memory, reasoning, concluding and attention. Forbrain is a device protected with a patent, equipped with a dynamic filter. This filter was developed in such a manner so that it turns on automatically at word initial position and at long vowels...

Forbrein IQ Academy - education, support, development - Iwona Pikora


RSA IQ Academy - education, support, development - Iwona Pikora

RSA is a training method with which it is possible to achieve synchronisation of heart action with breathing. RSA - respiratory sinus arrhythmia, a differentiated heart action, difference between pulse during inhalation and exhalation. RSA is an index of human health. RSA is an identity of biological age. The state-of-art device and software allows to evaluate the health condition by monitoring and measurements of RSA. The RSA training, with the use of devices from St. Petersburg, is conducted with specialist equipment which registers heart electric action (ECG) and separates hearth rhythm (HR) of a human in real time as well as measures respiratory frequency. The dedicated software reflects the measured values in an understandable and attractive for a patient multimedia form on the computer. The set RSA Health is configured according to a specific therapeutic-educational method by a Russian scientist - physiologist, Alexander Smetankin...

Child massage

Touch plays a very important role in life, which is particularly important in small children who, for the normal social development, need to be often stroked and cuddled with love as it is critical for their well-being. It is believed that the need of touch and feeling closeness is the greatest need of a newly born child. Obstetricians and neonatologists perfectly know how important the first skin to skin (STS) contact between mother and child after delivery is. For this reason, in order to maintain this contact, a naked neonate is laid down - still with an umbilical cord - on the naked mother’s body, so that they both can establish the first contact, including eye contact...

Child massage IQ Academy - education, support, development - Iwona Pikora

Munich Functional Developmental Diagnostics

munich functional developmental diagnostics IQ Academy - education, support, development

Munich Functional Developmental Diagnostics (MFDD) is a globally recognised, well-grounded method of early diagnostics applied for multi-faceted evaluation of psycho-motor development in children at the age from the first month...